Day 7 - 7/1/12Weight Loss: 1.2 pounds
Total Weight Loss: 7.8

Clearly the less calories helped with the extra weight loss :) I did get my 75 oz of water in yesterday so I am pretty convinced that not only do I need to be getting 8 hours of sleep, but I need to be getting more than the bare minimum of recommended water per day.
Today I did my Slow Burn Fitness exercise and feel really great :)

Ketosis level: deep
Breakfast: 2 strips bacon = 90 calories
Communion (guessing) = 50 calories
Lunch: chicken salad 260 calories, 1/4 avocado 62.5 calories, small piece of chocolate 17.08 calories, coconut chocolate 44 calories, 28 almonds 170 calories = 553.58 calories
Dinner: chicken salad 260 calories, 1/4 avocado 62.5 calories, 2 small pieces of chocolate 17.08 calories = 356.66 calories
Total Calories: 1050.24

Day 8 - 7/2/12

Weight Loss: 1.0 pounds
Total Weight Loss: 8.8

I am ecstatic! Never in my life have I consistently lost a pound or more a day. I am thanking God for enabling me to follow through with this diet. One thing I am waver in consistently is following a food plan. I am finding that writing down what I eat has not only been necessary but helpful. I never would have been one to promote writing down what you eat, but I might be changing my mind ;) The idea of writing out what I am going to eat for a whole day and say I have to follow it 100%, stresses me out. But knowing what I am going to eat and ball-parking the calories and fat, has allowed me to eat what I need to eat. The writing down has been helpful to see what I could have done better. I think I might continue writing things down in a program on my phone when I am done with this diet to help me stay the course of low carb. Just as they say a calorie is not just a calorie, the same is true of carbs. While I thought I was low carb, and technically I was staying within the carb limit number, I was not eating the appropriate foods my body needed to be healthy and slim down. I am hoping that tracking that will avoid unnecessary weight gain in the future. It wouldn't surprise me if I decide to do spurts of the fat fast here and there as it has proven to be extremely beneficial at immediate results.

Ketosis level: deep
Breakfast: 3 eggs + 1 Tbsp coconut oil = 330 calories
Lunch: chicken salad 260 calories, 1/4 avocado 62.5 calories = 322.50
Snack: 2 small pieces of chocolate = 34.16 calories
Dinner: chicken salad 205 calories (new type of chicken), 28 almonds 170 calories, 2oz of goat milk gouda 220 calories = 595 calories
Total Calories: 1281.66

Day 9 - 7/3/12
Weight Loss: + 0.60
Total Weight Loss: 8.2

I was surprised to step on the scale this morning and see a weight gain. Immediately I got defensive and thought maybe I should just quit. But I remembered 2 things: the scale doesn't dictate my worth or identity (something I am still struggling to remember and bury deep into my being) and secondly, anytime you lose weight, you are going to need less food than you did when you had a lot of weight to lose. However, I have been experiencing some heavy heartburn for awhile now and I have been consuming more to keep the heartburn down.

After a day of considering what to do, I have decided to end the fat fast. The goals I set out to accomplish, have happened: get my body to begin burning fat, lose weight, get a secure footing in getting back on track, and to address reasons why I feel I must console/reduce stress, etc with food. So tonight I went to the store and bought a bunch of veggies to try and get 4-6 services of veggies a day from here on out :)

Ketosis level: deep
Breakfast: 3 eggs + 1 Tbsp coconut oil = 330 calories
Snack: 28 almonds = 170 calories
Lunch: chicken salad 205 calories, 1/4 avocado 62.5 calories = 267.50
Snack: 2 small pieces of chocolate = 34.16 calories
Dinner: chicken salad 205 calories, 1/4 avocado 62.5 calories = 267.50
Snack: 42 almonds = 255
Total Calories: 1324.16

Weight Loss: + 0.80
Total Weight Loss: 7.4 for 9 days of Fat Fasting :)

6/17/2015 01:27:26 am

What magnificent phrase


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