Almost 5 years ago, I went gluten free for good. I knew that gluten was found in barley, malt, wheat, rye, and spelt, but I did not realize that meant EVERYTHING had the capability of containing gluten! (aside from fresh meat, vegetables and fruit of course) After following a very strict food elimination diet, I realized gluten really was not kind to me. I had already dabbled with being gluten free, but now I was ready to commit. Feeling sick and open wounds on my body that were not healing were great motivators ;) 

I had been gluten free for 2 months, when I went to my chiropractor. He asked me what I had been doing differently since I had seen him last. I told him I had gone gluten free. He told me he could tell that my joints, bones, tissue, etc, was not as inflamed and to keep it up! Boy was that ever a shock! I could tell my insides weren't hurting like they used to, but I had no idea that my body, the way it functioned and worked, were as effected by my recent change as other areas. I realized I hadn't even thought about my shampoo, make-up, soap, etc...and what if they were compromising my health and I didn't realize it because it wasn't food?!?! I checked my make-up and other skin care products against the unsafe-gluten free food list and found that my mascara, powder, eye liner, and liquid make-up ALL contained gluten! Here I thought I was doing sooo good and yet my body still wasn't fully able to heal because of other substances. :( Once I replaced my glutenous make-up substances with others that were gluten free, things started healing even more.

I am guessing if you are visiting my blog, either you or someone you know has an issue with gluten or you suspect might have an issue with gluten. Over the next few posts, I hope to show you how simple going gluten free can be. I know looking at the Unsafe list above was a bit daunting, but don't worry, that is what I am here for. :) If you have questions that are not addressed on this blog, please feel free to contact me and we can chat.